Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di indonesia

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di indonesia

lmu pengetahuan muncul sebagai akibat dari aktivitas untuk pemenuh kebutuhan hidup manusia,baik kebutuhan jasmani maupun kebutuhan rohani. Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tidak dapat bisa di pisahkan dari lembaga pendidikan. Dimana pada abad 20 peran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sangat berarti bagi lembaga pendidikan. Sehingga pada abad 20 mampu mendorong lebih cepat dalam industri. Informasi,komunikasi,transportasi dan pertanian.
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di Indonesia tertinggal jauh dan sangat memprihatinkan dibanding Negara-negara Eropa dan Amerika Serikat bahkan pula di Negara-negara Asia misalnya Jepang dan China. Hal ini disebabkan karena :
1. Masih terbatasnya orang indonesia yang mendapat pendidikan barat terutama pendidikan tinggi.
2. Kurangnya keinginan dari pemerintah maupun perusahaan swasta yang ada di Indonesia untuk melakukan ahli teknologi
3. Tidak adanya inovasi teknologi yang berarti di dalam masyarakat indonesia itu sendiri,ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di indonesia mulai berkembang dimana ditandai dangan adanya perguruan tinggi dan pusat-pusat penelitian seperti lembaga ilmu pengetahuan (LIPI) dan juga badan pengkajian dan penerapan tek nologi (BPPT)
Realita yang memprihatinkan itu bukan dilihat dari prestasi beberapa bidang IPTEK yang telah di capai seperti temuan aplikasi teknologi DNA,temuan bibit padi unggul,temuan vector medan laju percepatan gerak lempeng teknologi,rancangan banunan pesawat remotely pilotely piloted vehicle, memperoleh penghargaan internasional fellowship L’oreal-unesco for woman in science,mendapat medali emas pada internasiaonal exhibition of invention new techninique and peroduct memperoleh the first to nobel prize di bidang fisika tingkat SMA , hingga temuan nutrisi baru yang di sebut saputra, yang memang semua itu perlu di syukuri . Tetapi keprihatinan itu muncul pergerakan dampak perkembangan IPTEK itu memang tidak segaris lurus dangan pencipta kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam rangka kebijakan IPTEK secara nasional, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan indonesia

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di indonesia

lmu pengetahuan muncul sebagai akibat dari aktivitas untuk pemenuh kebutuhan hidup manusia,baik kebutuhan jasmani maupun kebutuhan rohani. Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tidak dapat bisa di pisahkan dari lembaga pendidikan. Dimana pada abad 20 peran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sangat berarti bagi lembaga pendidikan. Sehingga pada abad 20 mampu mendorong lebih cepat dalam industri. Informasi,komunikasi,transportasi dan pertanian.
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di Indonesia tertinggal jauh dan sangat memprihatinkan dibanding Negara-negara Eropa dan Amerika Serikat bahkan pula di Negara-negara Asia misalnya Jepang dan China. Hal ini disebabkan karena :
1. Masih terbatasnya orang indonesia yang mendapat pendidikan barat terutama pendidikan tinggi.
2. Kurangnya keinginan dari pemerintah maupun perusahaan swasta yang ada di Indonesia untuk melakukan ahli teknologi
3. Tidak adanya inovasi teknologi yang berarti di dalam masyarakat indonesia itu sendiri,ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di indonesia mulai berkembang dimana ditandai dangan adanya perguruan tinggi dan pusat-pusat penelitian seperti lembaga ilmu pengetahuan (LIPI) dan juga badan pengkajian dan penerapan tek nologi (BPPT)
Realita yang memprihatinkan itu bukan dilihat dari prestasi beberapa bidang IPTEK yang telah di capai seperti temuan aplikasi teknologi DNA,temuan bibit padi unggul,temuan vector medan laju percepatan gerak lempeng teknologi,rancangan banunan pesawat remotely pilotely piloted vehicle, memperoleh penghargaan internasional fellowship L’oreal-unesco for woman in science,mendapat medali emas pada internasiaonal exhibition of invention new techninique and peroduct memperoleh the first to nobel prize di bidang fisika tingkat SMA , hingga temuan nutrisi baru yang di sebut saputra, yang memang semua itu perlu di syukuri . Tetapi keprihatinan itu muncul pergerakan dampak perkembangan IPTEK itu memang tidak segaris lurus dangan pencipta kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam rangka kebijakan IPTEK secara nasional, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan indonesia

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) adalah perguruan tinggi swasta terakreditasi "A", yang berpusat di kampus III terpadu Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Raya Tlogomas 246 Kota Malang, Jawa Timur. Universitas yang berdiri pada tahun 1964 ini berinduk pada organisasi Muhammadiyah dan merupakan perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah terbesar di Jawa Timur. UMM termasuk dalam jajaran PTS terkemuka di Indonesia. Oleh karena didominasi warna dinding putih, UMM sering disebut sebagai kampus putih
UMM merupakan salah satu universitas yang tumbuh cepat, sehingga oleh PP Muhammadiyah diberi amanat sebagai perguruan tinggi pembina untuk seluruh PTM (Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah) wilayah Indonesia Timur. Program-program yang didisain dengan cermat menjadikan UMM sebagai "The Real University", yaitu universitas yang benar-benar universitas dalam artian sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi yang selalu komit dalam mengembangkan Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi
Pada sekarang ini Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) menempati 3 lokasi kampus, yaitu kampus I di Jalan Bandung 1, kampus II di Jalan Bendungan Sutami 188 A dan kampus III di Jalan Raya Tlogomas 246. Kampus satu yang merupakan cikal bakal UMM, dan sekarang ini dikonsentrasikan untuk program Pasca Sarjana. Sedangkan kampus II yang dulu merupakan pusat kegiatan utama , sekarang di konsentrasikan sebagai kampus Fakultas Kedokteran dan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan. Sedangkan kampus III sebagai kampus terpadu dijadikan sebagai pusat sari seluruh aktivitas. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang juga memiliki beberapa jurusan yang di bagi di tiga kampus yang berbedan diantaranya :
3 Program Diploma,
  • Program D-3 Keperawatan (terakreditasi B)
  • Program D-3 Elektronika (terakreditasi B)
  • Program D-3 Keuangan dan Perbankan (terakreditasi B)

Program Sarjana (S1)

Terdapat 10 Fakuktas yang terdiri dari 34 Program Studi Sarjana, antara lain:
  • Fakultas Agama Islam
  1. Pendidikan Agama Islam (Tarbiyah) (terakreditasi A)
  2. Ahwal Al-Syakhshiyah (Syari'ah) (terakreditasi B)
  3. Ekonomi Syari'ah (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)
  • Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
  1. Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial (KESOS) (terakreditasi B)
  2. Ilmu Komunikasi (terakreditasi A)
  3. Ilmu Pemerintahan (terakreditasi A)
  4. Sosiologi (terakreditasi A)
  5. Ilmu Hubungan Internasional (HI) (terakreditasi C)
  • Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
  1. Manajemen (terakreditasi A)
  2. Akuntansi (terakreditasi A)
  3. Ekonomi Pembangunan (terakreditasi B)
  • Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
  1. Pendidikan Matematika (terakreditasi B)
  2. Pendidikan Biologi (terakreditasi A)
  3. Pendidikan Bahasa & Sastra Indonesia (terakreditasi B)
  4. Pend. Pancasila & Kewarganegaraan (terakreditasi B)
  5. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (terakreditasi A)
  6. Pend. Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) (terakreditasi C)
  • Fakultas Teknik
  1. Teknik Mesin (terakreditasi B)
  2. Teknik Sipil (terakreditasi B)
  3. Teknik Elektro (terakreditasi B)
  4. Teknik Industri (terakreditasi C)
  5. Teknik Informatika (terakreditasi C)
  • Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan
  1. Agroteknologi / Agronomi (terakreditasi A)
  2. Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (Agribisnis) (terakreditasi B)
  3. Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITP) (terakreditasi B)
  4. Kehutanan (terakreditasi B)
  5. Peternakan (terakreditasi A)
  6. Budidaya Perairan (Perikanan) (terakreditasi A)
  • Fakultas Psikologi
  1. Psikologi (terakreditasi A)
  • Fakultas Hukum
  1. Ilmu Hukum (terakreditasi A)
  • Fakultas Kedokteran
  1. Pendidikan Dokter (terakreditasi B)
  • Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan
  1. Ilmu Keperawatan (terakreditasi C)
  2. Farmasi (terakreditasi B)
  3. Fisioterapi (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)

Program Magister (S2)

Terdiri dari 9 Program Magister, antara lain:
  • Magister Manajemen (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Agama Islam (terakreditasi A)
  • Magister Hukum (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Kebijakan Pendidikan (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Psikologi Sains (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Sosiologi (terakreditasi A)
  • Magister Agribisnis (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Pendidikan Matematika (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)
  • Magister Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)

Program Doktoral (S3)

Terdiri dari 2 Program Doktoral, antara lain:
  • Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (terakreditasi C)
  • Pendidikan Agama Islam (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)

Pendidikan Profesi

Terdiri dari 7 Program Pendidikan Profesi, antara lain:
  • Dokter (dr.)
  • Perawat / Profesi Ners (Ns.)
  • Farmasi / Profesi Apoteker (Apt.)
  • Akuntansi / Profesi Akuntan (Ak.)
  • Pendidikan Advokad
  • Fisioterapis (Physio)
  • Psikolog (M.Psi)
  • sumber : http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universitas_Muhammadiyah_Malang

Development of Information Technology in Indonesia

Information technology is a technology that is used to process the data, including processing, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in different ways to produce quality information, the information is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal, business, and government and is a strategic information for decision making.
This technology uses a computer to process the data, the network system to connect one computer to another computer as needed, and the use of telecommunications technology so that data can be distributed and accessed globally.

Roles that can be assigned by the application of this technology is to get information for personal life such as information about health, hobbies, recreation, and spiritual. Then for professions such as science, technology, trade, business news, and professional associations. Means of cooperation between individuals or groups with one person or a group of others without knowing the limits of distance and time, country, race, economic class, ideology or other factors that may inhibit exchange ideas.

Development of Information Technology spur a new way of life, from the beginning until the end of life, life as it is known by e-life, meaning of life has been influenced by a variety of electronic needs. And now these are lively with various letters that start with the prefix e, like e-commerce, e-government, e-education, e-library, e-journals, e-medicine, e-laboratory, e-biodiversitiy, and others again based electronics.

Evolution of the Global Economy
Until two hundred years ago the world economy is agrarian in which one of its main characteristics is the ground is the most dominant factor. After the industrial revolution, the invention of the steam engine, the global economy has evolved toward an industrial economy with capital as its main characteristic is the most important factor of production. By the turn of the century now inl, humans tend to occupy a central place in the production process, because the economic phase we are moving into is based on knowledge (knowledge based) and focuses on the information (information focused). In this case the role of telecommunications and information technology as a key technology (technology enabler).

Advances in information technology and telecommunications so rapidly, allowing the implementation of new ways for more efficient production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. It is this process that brings people into the Society or Information Economy. This new community is also often referred to as the post-industrial society.

Whatever you call it, in the information age, physical distance or geographical distance is no longer a factor in human relations or inter-agency effort, so that the universe becomes a hamlet universe or "Global village". So often we hear the term "distance is dead" or "distance is dead" increasingly real truth.

Role of Information Technology
In our lives in the future, information technology and telecommunications sector is the most dominant sector. Anyone who mastered this technology, then he will be a leader in his world. Information technology plays a role in many areas, among others:

Education (e-education)
Globalization has triggered a shift in education from conventional education face toward a more open education (Mukhopadhyay M., 1995). As an example we look at the French project "Flexible Learning". This is reminiscent of Ivan Illich forecast early 70s on "Education without school (Deschooling Socieiy)" which is extreme teacher is no longer needed.
Prophecy scholars as follows:
1. Bishop G. (1989) predicted that the future of education will be supple (flexible), open, and accessible to anyone who requires no view factor type, age, and previous educational experience.
2. Mason R. (1994) argue that the future of education will be determined by the information network that allows interaction and collaboration, rather than building schools. However, technology will continue to widen the gap between rich and poor in.
3. Tony Bates (1995) states that technology can improve the quality and range when used wisely for education and training, and has great significance for the economic well-being.
4. Alisjahbana I. (1966) suggested that the approach to education and training will be "At that moment (Just on Time)". New teaching techniques will be two-way, collaborative, and inter-disciplinary.
5. Romiszowski & Mason (1996) predicts the use of "Computer-based Multimedia Communication (CMC), which are synchronous and asynchronous.

Of the forecast and the views of scholars above it can be concluded that with the influence of globalization, the future of education will be more open and two-way, diverse, multidisciplinary, and productivity related to work "on the spot and competitive.

Trend of education in Indonesia in the future are:
Development of open education by distance learning mode (Distance Learning). Easy to hold open and distance education should be included as a key strategy.

Resource sharing between agencies with education / training within a network.
Libraries and other educational instruments (teachers, laboratories) changed into resources rather than a bookshelf.

The use of interactive information technology devices, such as CD-ROM Multimedia, in education gradually replace TV and Video.

With the development of information technology in education, so when it is already possible to place a distance learning by using the internet to connect between students and lecturers, see the value of online students, financial checks, view class schedules, send the task assigned faculty and so on, all of it had to do. A major factor in distance learning which has been considered a problem is the lack of interaction between faculty and students. However, with the internet media is very possible to make the interaction between faculty and students in the form of real time (real time) or not. In the form of real time can be done for example in a chatroom, direct interaction with real audio or real video, and online meetings. Its not real time can be done by mailing lists, discussion groups, newsgroups, and bulletin board. With the above faculty and student interaction in the classroom may be replaced, although not 100%. Material forms, exams, quizzes and other educational means can also be implemented into the web, like material made in the form of faculty presentations on the web and can be downloaded by the students. Similarly, the exams and quizzes created by faculty can also be done in the same way. Administrative settlement can also be solved directly in the registration process, let alone supported with online payment methods.

A web-based distance education, among others, should have the following elements:
Student activity center; as a web-based distance learning community should be able to make this facility as a place for student activities, which can increase the ability of students, reading course material, looking for information and so on.

Interaction within the group; Students can interact with each other to discuss the materials provided lecturers. Lecturers can be present in this group to give a little review of the material provided.

Student administration system; whereby students can view information about the status of students, student achievement, and so on.

Deepening of the material and exams; Usually professors often hold short quiz and assignments aimed at deepening of what has been taught and do a test at the end of the study period. It should also be anticipated by web-based distance learning.

Digital Libraries; In this section, there are a variety of library information, are not limited to books but also on digital libraries such as sound, images and so on. This section is to support and shape database.

Online material beyond the course material; To support the lectures, reading materials are also needed from other web. Therefore in this section, faculty and students can be directly involved in providing other materials for publication to other students via the web.

Embody the ideas and wishes of the above in the form of reality is not an easy task but if we look to other countries that have long developed a web-based distance learning, have a lot of institutions that use this method. Not only the skills possessed by engineers who needed but also a variety of policies in the field of education greatly influences its development. If the views of readiness means of support such as hardware, it seems that this is not in doubt. Only one who has always been a main concern of Internet users in Indonesia, namely the problem of bandwidth, of course, with the limited bandwidth reduces comfort especially on non-text based materials. Abroad, particularly in developed countries, distance education has been a fairly popular alternative education. Educational method followed by students, employees, executives, housewives and even elderly people (pensioners). Several years ago the exchange of material done by correspondence, or equipped with audio and video material. Currently, almost all distance learning programs in America, Australia and Europe can also be accessed via the internet. Studies conducted by the United States, strongly supports the development of e-learning, computer based learning state that is very effective, enabling better education 30%, 40% less time and 30% lower cost. The World Bank (World Bank) in 1997 has announced the Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN), which has as many as 80 partner countries in the world. Through GDLN is the World Bank can provide e-learning to students 5 times more (from 30 to 150 students) and costs 31% less.

In the global era, scholarship offer appearing on the internet. For most students in the world, the tuition fee for obtaining the best education is generally still considered expensive. Very unfortunate if there are students who are good in its class can not go to school simply because they can not pay tuition. Scholarship information is the key to success can help the potential student.

In the Government Sector (e-government)
E-government refers to the use of information technology by the government, such as using the intranet and the Internet, which has the ability to connect the needs of the population, business, and other activities. Could be a business transaction process between the public and the government through system automation and internet networks, more commonly known as the world wide web. At the core of e-government is the use of information technology can improve the relationship between the government and other parties. use of information technology is then produced new forms of relationships such as: G2C (Governmet to Citizen), G2B (Government to Business) and G2G (Government to Government).

The benefits of e-government that can be felt, among others:
Service with better service to the community. Information can be provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without having to wait for the opening of the office. Information can be sought from the office, home, without having to physically come to the administration office.

Improved relations between the government, businesses, and the general public. Openness (transparency) it is expected that the relationship between the various parties for the better. This openness eliminate mutual distrust and resentment on all sides.

Community empowerment through information easily obtained. With sufficient information, the public will learn to be able to make their choice. For example, data about the school: the number of classes, student capacity, passing grade, and so on, can be displayed online and are used by parents to choose the right school for their children.

Implementation of a more efficient government. For example, government coordination can be done via e-mail or even video conferencing. For Indonesia, the area is very large, it is very helpful. Question and answer, coordination, discussions between local leaders can do without all must be on the same physical location. No longer any need to fly to Jakarta for a meeting that lasted only one or two hours.

Public demands for good governance is urgent to be implemented by the government apparatus. One solution that is needed is integration of government administration system through a network of on-line information systems among agencies at the central and local governments to access all the data and information especially related to public service. In the government sector, the changing strategic environment and technological advancements encourage government officials to anticipate the new paradigm with efforts to improve the performance of the bureaucracy and improving services towards the realization of good governance (good govermance). The important thing to consider is the government sector is a driver and facilitator in the success of development activities, therefore the success of the development should be supported by current velocity data and information between agencies to enable the integration of the system of government and the use of other parties. Efforts to accelerate the implementation of e-Government, still have problem because currently not all menyelenggarakannya area. Moreover, there is still a perception of e-Government simply create a web site only socialization is not performing optimally. But based on Instruction, the construction of an integrated government information system will be realized until the year 2005. However the most important thing is to remove any opinion that the implementation of e-Government considers this as a project, but is a system that will integrate subsystems spread across regions and departments.

Finance and Banking
Currently, many economic actors, especially in the big cities that no longer use cash in payment transactions, but have used modern banking services.

Modern banking services that exist only in the big cities is understandable because of the current economic growth is still concentrated in large cities only, which causes the velocity of money is also concentrated in the big cities. So that the banking sector was rather slow in its expansion into the regions. This is somewhat due to the current state of infrastructure in addition to the geographical aspects of Indonesia's unique and extensive.

To support the successful operations of a financial institution / bank such as banks, certainly needed a reliable information system that can be easily accessed by its clients, which in turn will depend on the technology of information online, for example, a customer can withdraw money wherever it is located as long as No ATM of the bank, or a customer can check balances and transfer money to another account in a matter of minutes, all transactions can be done.

Telematics technology and infrastructure development in Indonesia will greatly help the development of industries in the financial sector, such as expanding the scope of business by opening branches in the region, as well as the exchange of information among insurance companies, brokerage, banking, and other financial institutions.

Banking and financial institutions have been strongly influenced by the development in information technology products, even they can not operate again without the presence of information technology. This sector requires product development in information technology to deliver their services to their customers.
Information systems development programs in Indonesia
Developing of information system programs (programs 16/06/01) intended to develop the information systems needed to improve the inclusion of information on science and technology that occurred in the international community, facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information science and technology, as well as improve the planning, management, monitoring activities and the advancement of science and technology.

The development of information technology Indonesia is strongly influenced by the human resource capacity in the understanding of information technology components, such as hardware and computer software; system network either LAN or WAN and telecommunication systems that will be used to transfer data. The need for energy-based information technology continues to increase: this can be seen by the many types of jobs that require skills in the field of information technology in various fields and also the number of capable human resources in the field of information technology is still small, when compared with the total population of Indonesia. Needed a national information technology framework that will bring people of Indonesia is ready to face the AFTA 2003 to provide universal access to information to the public in a fair and equitable, improve coordination and optimal utilization of information, increasing efficiency and productivity, improve the quality and quantity of human resources, increase the utilization of information technology infrastructure, including the implementation of legislation to support it; encourage economic growth in the use and development of information technology.

Finally, Asean free trade era really true that we are familiar with the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) came into effect in the year 2003.
This is one reality that real globalization of the world economy. National economic integration with the regional economy / global as AFTA, APEC, WTO / GATT can not be avoided. Like it or not, like it or not, the fact is the integration of the world economy had to be faced